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A unique "case history" of a rapidly expanding company

There Krino is proud of the quality awards for its metal cutting tools.

Our company, founded in 1982 in Montevecchia, north of Milan and close to the Swiss border, it belongs to an avant-garde industrial park specialized in cutting tools production since the early 1900s.

The tumultuous development of the activities has led to the construction, as a production and logistics hub, of a brand new and large industrial site in Monticello Brianza , in the center of the technology park.
This has contributed to the development and completion of the various lines of high quality tools, in full compliance with the now widespread environmental awareness.

In summer 2011 the process was completed acquisition of the LTI company, an historic Italian company founded in Milan in 1960 and famous for the production of high quality inserts and sockets for screwdrivers, internationally recognized. Production is now carried out in the Krino headquarters, using the same production facilities and the same skilled workforce. The acquisition of the LTI brand represents an important step for our Company, because it reaffirms the will to invest in quality Italian-made products and allows the already wide range of products to be diversified within the same market.

Cutting tools engineering

Consulting the new catalogue you will be able to appreciate the range and quality of the products and, together, you will get to know the men who, participating in your success, have made the krino .

This new catalog implements a synthesis between the commercial needs for the distribution of the products and the necessary technical knowledge of the same. All pages are easy to consult and clearly read, in a balanced list of codes, commercial information and technical notations. Each product class makes use of important sections with explanatory methodologies for choosing the product and numerous technical tables for using the correct working parameters. Particular attention, within the sections of the catalogue, is dedicated to the characteristics of the coating processes, which allow the machining to be carried out effectively in extreme conditions.

A unique "case history" of a rapidly expanding company

There Krino is proud of the quality awards for its metal cutting tools.

Our company, founded in 1982 in Montevecchia, north of Milan and close to the Swiss border, it belongs to an avant-garde industrial park specialized in cutting tools production since the early 1900s.

The tumultuous development of the activities has led to the construction, as a production and logistics hub, of a brand new and large industrial site in Monticello Brianza , in the center of the technology park.
This has contributed to the development and completion of the various lines of high quality tools, in full compliance with the now widespread environmental awareness.

In summer 2011 the process was completed acquisition of the LTI company, an historic Italian company founded in Milan in 1960 and famous for the production of high quality inserts and sockets for screwdrivers, internationally recognized. Production is now carried out in the Krino headquarters, using the same production facilities and the same skilled workforce. The acquisition of the LTI brand represents an important step for our Company, because it reaffirms the will to invest in quality Italian-made products and allows the already wide range of products to be diversified within the same market.

Cutting tools engineering

Consulting the new catalogue you will be able to appreciate the range and quality of the products and, together, you will get to know the men who, participating in your success, have made the krino .

This new catalog implements a synthesis between the commercial needs for the distribution of the products and the necessary technical knowledge of the same. All pages are easy to consult and clearly read, in a balanced list of codes, commercial information and technical notations. Each product class makes use of important sections with explanatory methodologies for choosing the product and numerous technical tables for using the correct working parameters. Particular attention, within the sections of the catalogue, is dedicated to the characteristics of the coating processes, which allow the machining to be carried out effectively in extreme conditions.

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